How Do I Prepare My Solar Panels for a Hurricane?

How Do I Prepare My Solar Panels for a Hurricane?

We’re in the thick of hurricane season, and with it comes every Floridian’s annual tradition of planning and preparation. We’re keeping an eye on the tracking forecasts and making sure we’ve prepared our hurricane kits and plans for evacuation. If you’re also considering adding solar panels to your home, or you have done so recently, you may be wondering if you need to protect them.

While you don’t need to do anything to the panels themselves, there are some steps you can take as part of your storm readiness. First, let’s explore solar panels and their weather resistance.

About solar panels and storms

One of the many great things about a solar panel system is that you can rely on it to keep producing electricity during a storm. So if you’re thinking getting solar panels, you may be concerned about their durability in storms. The answer is reassuring: Properly installed solar panels are made to withstand even hurricane-strength winds and rain. And if they’re installed correctly by a certified professional like Florida Solar, they will also be watertight. They should also resist high winds up to 160 miles per hours, as required by most Florida cities. To give so context to this number, catastrophic damage is said to occur at 130mph.

Installers must also follow guidelines that ensure the panels stay secure in those winds. They do this by using a minimum number of fasteners that keep them in place.

With regard to lightning, it’s true that a direct or even indirect strike can damage the panels or your power inverter. But that is an unlikely occurrence. And if it did happen, you can take steps to mitigate, as we’ll see in the next section.

Preparing you solar panels for a hurricane

While you don’t have to do anything to the panels themselves, here are a few tips on what to do when the storm is heading your way.

  • Check your battery backup system.
  • Review your solar panel warranty and see if it covers damaged caused by storms and hurricanes.
  • Take photos of your panels before and after a storm.
  • Contact your home insurance agent to review your policy. Ask about the limits of coverage for wind and storm damage.

Questions about solar panels?

Call us at 727-300-1515 or just fill in our form and let us know if you have any questions about solar panels. Whether it’s related to storm resistance, energy savings, the installation process, or anything else, we’re here to help. We will install panels that are manufactured to withstand the high winds and intense storms that come with living in Florida.

Three Benefits of Pool Automation Systems

You live in Florida, one of the best states in our country. You own your home and you have a pool. And owning a pool, one of our cherished luxuries, should not be a hassle.

The maintenance alone can be a time-consuming routine. It takes time to clean your pool and add the right balance of chemicals so that it’s always ready to enjoy. You shouldn’t be spending more time maintaining your pool than you or your family are enjoying it.

Taking care of a pool with advanced features can also be a chore. You may have to manually turn on the features that make your pool a pleasure.

Pool automation systems eliminate the inconvenience of making repeated trips to the equipment pad, memorizing operating sequences, opening and closing valves, and resetting the time clocks and thermostats.

Instead, you can program a pool control system to automate all the tasks that would take you away from other activities – like relaxing in or near your pool.

Advantages of pool automation

A pool automation system installed and programmed by Florida Solar will give you hands-free control over every aspect of your pool and its surroundings. You’ll be able to easily manage functions like:

  • Heaters
  • Lights
  • Waterfalls
  • Fountains

Below are just three of the benefits of having this kind of control. You’ll see that any one of them is worth the investment in this type of system.

  • It saves you time. Many pool owners don’t always have time each week to measure their chemical levels or clean the pool. A simple-to-use program will take care of all your pool maintenance.
  • It’s convenient. Your pool and spa is all about enhancing your lifestyle. A single control panel can let you enjoy your pool with one touch of a button.
  • It gives you flexibility. Remote access allows you total control of your pool — anywhere, anytime — using your computer or mobile digital service.

Schedule your free pool consultation today

Our experts at Florida Solar are ready to provide the right pool automation system for your pool and/or spa.

Call us at 727-300-1515 and let’s discuss the ways a pool automation system can give you more leisure time and peace of mind that you pool is always ready to enjoy. Our experts are available to assess your needs and answer your questions about energy savings, operating costs, and installation costs. We’ll help you determine the pool automation system that’s right for you. With Florida Solar on your side, you’ll have right solution for your family.

How to Estimate Your Savings When Switching to Solar

When we invest in something – a home, a car, a new appliance — we expect a return that we can quantify in financial and intangible terms. With that in mind, for this article we think it appropriate to offer a clear explanation of one of the homeowner investments that can deliver big returns: solar energy systems. After helping you understand what they are, we’ll look at their benefits and the financial savings you can expect when you add solar power to your home.

What are solar energy systems?

Residential solar energy systems collect sunlight and convert it into usable energy through photovoltaic panels – the ones you see on roofs. That energy can then be converted to create the electricity you need to power your home, including appliances, electronics, devices, and heating and cooling systems. The energy that isn’t used immediately can be stored in batteries. And because solar energy has the sun as its source, it is endlessly renewable.

The benefits of installing a solar system

Back to this idea of a return on investment. Just on these accounts, solar energy has many benefits for the homeowner, including:

  • Cost savings. The more you use solar power, the less you have to pay the rates for consuming electricity from your electric company.
  • It’s clean. It reduces the amount of air pollution. The more we move away from fossil fuels, the fewer pollutants we expel into the air. When we go solar, we are going “green.”
  • It’s renewable and sustainable. While fossil fuels are nonrenewable, a solar energy system replenishes itself naturally and will not run out.
  • It Increases your home’s value. As we’ve noted before, research shows that homes with solar panels sell for about four percent (4%) more in Florida than those without.

Discover your solar savings with Florida Solar

Our experts at Florida Solar are ready to talk about your energy goals. We will help you determine your estimated savings when you make the move to solar power. Factors that influence your savings include:

  • Hours of direct sunlight
  • Angle and size of your roof
  • Size of the system
  • Amount of power you need in your home
  • Number of solar panels

Call us at 727-300-1515 for a consultation about how much you can save on your current electric bill when you make the move to solar power. Our experts are available to assess your needs and answer your questions about energy savings, operating costs, and installation costs. We’ll help you determine the best solar panels for your home and how many you need. With Florida Solar on your side, you’ll have right solution for your family.

Benefits of Hybrid Hot Water Heaters

The water heater is likely the most important appliance in your home. It makes it possible to clean your dishes properly, do your laundry, and heat the water to a comfortable temperature when bathing and showering.But standard water heaters are also among the most inefficient appliances. They account for an average of 18 percent of your electricity costs, according to the website. And the older your water heater, the less energy efficient it is.

What is a hybrid hot water heater?

 A conventional hot water heater includes a reservoir of hot water that’s ready for use when you open your tap. While these water heaters are inexpensive, they are also inefficient, causing standby heat loss since they are constantly heating the water in the tank.A hybrid hot water heater, also known as a heat pump water heater, uses hot air to warm the water in the tank. But it can also be used in electric mode so that it operates as a standard water heater. You can even combine modes for those times of high demand.

Three reasons to install a hybrid hot water heater

  • Energy efficiency. You’ll save hundreds of dollars a year in energy costs.
  • Smart technology. Many hybrid hot water heaters are smart appliances, meaning they have Wi-Fi technology that allows you to manage and track your hot water usage from your mobile device.
  • Even if you need hot water for more than one activity at the same time (showering, dishwashing), the hybrid hot water heater delivers an adequate supply.

Because of their energy efficiency, hybrid hot water heaters are also environmentally friendly.

Get your hybrid hot water heater today

 Hybrid hot water heaters installed by Florida Solar are the most cost-effective way to heat your water. They are also a smart long-term investment because of how much they lower your energy costs. We are an authorized Rheem Hybrid Hot Water Heater dealer, which is one of the largest U.S. manufacturers of hybrid hot water systems. It’s also one of the most highly valued. For example, the Rheem Prestige series can save you nearly $5,000 in energy costs over its lifetime.Make the switch to a hybrid water heater today. Call us at 727-300-1515 for a quote and to learn more. Our experts are available to assess your needs and answer your questions about energy savings, operating costs, and installation costs. With Florida Solar on your side, you’ll have right solution for your family and home.SCHEDULE A COMPLIMENTARY CONSULTATION TODAY

Do Solar Panels Boost Your Home’s Value? – YES!

Your home’s value is a critical part of your financial well-being. You expect to reap significant rewards from the amount you invested – possibly to sell the home, and possibly to keep it in the family.That’s why you take care of your house. It’s why you spend your time and money on the upgrades that boost its value.Consider solar panels as an essential value creator that puts your finances to good use. In today’s article we’ll look at the ability for solar panels to increase the worth of your Florida home.

Solar panels increase your home’s value

On this site, we’ve shared information about solar power and its benefits, which include an increase in property values. Research by Zillow, the online real estate marketplace, bears this out. As reported by CNBC:“Installing solar panels in a home not only helps to reduce current monthly utility bills; it can potentially increase the home’s value by up to 4.1% more than comparable homes with no solar panels.”That same article also ranks the top 10 states with the highest resale premiums once solar panels are factored in. Florida, as you would expect, is among those states. Homes in the Sunshine State with solar panels sell for 4% more than those without. It stands to reason that larger homes that have been well maintained will see larger boosts to their value. And since bigger homes are those that use greater amounts of energy, a solar installation is financially wise on both counts.

Make the move to solar today

Solar panels are more than just eco-friendly – a worthy cause on its own. They are also a smart long-term investment because of how much they lower your energy costs. And as we’ve explained before, the federal solar tax credit makes going solar very affordable. To these benefits you can add a home that will be worth more by the time you’re ready to sell.Florida Solar has over 40 years of experience installing residential and commercial solar panels. Whether you are a homeowner right now or about to become one, contact us to schedule a free solar savings consultation. We’ll help you calculate your potential savings and be your one reliable source for everything you need.Call us at 727-300-1515. Our experts are available to explain the assessment and installation processes, so you understand how quickly and easily you can start adding to your home’s equity.

How Solar Panels Lower Your Energy Bills

Few places have as much to offer as Florida: the beaches, the sunshine, and the warm weather among them. When the rest of the country is shoveling snow, we’re often wearing shorts and enjoying one of our many iconic theme parks or spending time outdoors. But there’s a tradeoff to living in this tropical paradise.In Florida, power bills can be very costly. It takes a lot of energy to cool your home, and not just in the hot summer season. Our warm weather lasts much longer than in many other parts of the U.S., and so we run our air conditioners constantly.And we have more than the heat to contend with. Florida has the second-highest level of humidity in the nation. It takes a lot of AC to bring those numbers down to a comfortable level indoors.Florida residents like you pay the price. Our energy costs are among the highest in the nation. Fortunately, we also live in a state where we can take all that sunshine and use it to keep more of our money.The benefits of solar panelsWith solar panels, you convert the energy of the sun into electricity that powers your home, appliances, and devices. Solar panels also bring financial and environmental benefits. When you go solar, you’re reducing your bills. And you’re reducing your carbon footprint by relying on clean, renewable energy. Some of the benefits of solar panels include:

  • Lower electric bills
  • Protection against rising electricity rates
  • Increase in your property’s value
  • Less use of electricity, which reduces the greenhouse gases that pollute the air and promote higher temperatures

Five steps to going solarThe solar panels we install are durable, making them a great long-term investment. Florida Solar has over 40 years of experience installing residential and commercial solar panels. And because we can also service your system, you can rely on us for everything you need. In five steps, we’ll help you go solar:

  1. Schedule a free solar savings consultation
  2. Florida Solar develops your custom solar design
  3. We handle the permitting
  4. We install your system
  5. Enjoy solar energy that works for you

Call us at 727-300-1515 or click here for a quote. Our experts are available to explain the assessment and installation processes, so you can get started on a path to lower energy bills.GET A CUSTOM QUOTE

Omni-Swim: The Hybrid Pool Heating Solution That’s Cost-Effective

Omni-Swim: The Hybrid Pool Heating Solution That’s Cost-EffectiveHaving a pool in Florida can mean instant access to relaxation, exercise, and physical therapy. But that enjoyment depends on the cooperation of the weather. Even though our temperatures stay warm enough most of the year, for about three months, using your pool isn’t an option. But you can get back to enjoying your pool year-round when you have an economical heating system.

The Difference between Omni-Swim, Solar Pool Heat, and a Heat Pump

Not all pool heating systems are alike. Traditional solar panels are convenient and can be very efficient when it comes to warming the water. But they can only heat your pool or spa nine months out of the year. A heat pump works all 12 months, but it’s very expensive to run.Omni-Swim bridges these two systems to create a hybrid that works for you year-round, but at a fraction of the energy cost you’d spend using a traditional heat pump. That’s because it’s made with solar in mind. When your pool is heated by the Omni-Swim, you can run it 12 months out of the year and pay less that you would with a heat pump.The Omni-Swim takes advantage of the sun’s power in three ways:

  • Direct solar thermal. Omni-Swim works solar thermal collectors, which preheat pool or spa water and reduce the heat pump’s runtime.
  • Indirect solar thermal. Omni-Swim transfer heat from the air to your pool.
  • Solar electric. Already have a photovoltaic system? The Omni-Swim can heat your pool or spa while being entirely fueled by solar.

BecauseFlorida Solaroffers the Omni-Swim Hybrid Pool Heating System, you can enjoy your pool or spa every day of the year at a fraction of the cost that comes with a traditional heating system.

Advantages of Omni-Swim Pool Heating System

The Omni-Swim includes a heat pump and solar panels that work together. The result is the most efficient pool heating system on the market. Its benefits include:

  • Less equipment
  • Less plumbing
  • Less energy usage

Let us connect the Omni-Swim to your pool, and you’ll be swimming without limits.GET A CUSTOM QUOTE

Rely on Florida Solar to heat your pool

Contact us now at Florida Solarso that we can provide you with a long-term investment that saves money and improves your quality of life. We have over 40 years of experience installing residential and commercial solar energy systems. And because we can install and service your system, you can rely on us for everything you need when it comes to solar.Schedule your free consultation today.Or you can call us at 727-300-1515. Our experts are available to explain the benefits and get you started on a path to peace of mind and energy savings.

Upgrade to a Battery Hub Today

Here at Florida Solar, we want our customers to understand the full range of benefits that come with using solar electric to help power their homes. Some of those benefits include:

  • Eliminate your electric bill
  • Green power that is better for the environment because you’re using clean, renewable energy
  • An increase in your home’s value

There’s another great benefit we’d like to highlight. For a limited time, when you add solar electric to your home through Florida Solar, you’ll also get a free upgrade of a battery hub.Why a battery hub?Your battery hub acts as a generator, bypassing the electric grid. It allows electricity to flow straight into your home through the battery and supply the electricity you need during power outages. The battery hub we’re offering is a flexible energy inverter that will meet the wide variety of your energy needs:

  • It’s a storage solution that will back up your entire home
  • Charges your battery and electric vehicle
  • Includes built-in energy monitoring so you can track usage and reduce your bills

This inverter is also a breakthrough in battery backup power. It includes a high level of system efficiency. And through its superior combination of technology systems, it will provide the energy needed to power any size home.Get your battery hub todayFor a limited time, when you add solar electric to your home through Florida Solar, we’ll include a complimentary upgrade with this battery hub, which is valued at $3,000.Don’t miss out! This offer to add solar electric to your home AND get the free battery hub expires April 15, 2021.Rely on Florida Solar for your battery hub   Contact us now at Florida Solar so that we can provide you with a long-term investment that saves money and improves your quality of life. We have over 40 years of experience installing residential and commercial solar energy systems. And because we can install and service your system, you can rely on us for everything you need when it comes to solar.This offer expires soon, so contact us today. To redeem this offer, call us at 727-300-1515. Our experts are available to explain the benefits and get you started on a path to peace of mind and energy savings.

The Benefits of Having a Heated Pool

Maybe you’ve been using your pool for therapy or are considering using it for that purpose. Aquatic therapy has applications that can help with physical fitness, rehabilitation, pain relief, and a host of other ailments. It can also provide many benefits, including better balance, relaxation, and strength.

With a heated pool, people with arthritis and those recovering from an accident can use water therapy as part of their healing routine. Others with conditions like fibromyalgia and chronic pain can also benefit greatly from doing their exercises in warm water, which is usually between 80 and 90 degrees. But even if you don’t suffer from any conditions like those we’ve mentioned, having a heated pool can extend the use of your pool to the entire year. And you can rely on Florida Solar to deliver that experience you expect from your heated pool.

How heated pool therapy works.

When you exercise in water, you use its buoyancy to relieve the stress you would otherwise experience on land. Water provides resistance against your muscles so you can strengthen them. Heating the pool can add to these benefits because it:

  • Promotes blood flow to damaged areas
  • Reduces stress on your joints
  • Diminishes pain during exercise
  • Accelerates healing to damaged areas
  • Warm water can also relax your muscles and improve balance. Before engaging in a water therapy program, please be sure to consult with your doctor or physical therapist.

Benefits of solar heated pools delivered by Florida Solar

Because Florida Solar offers the Omni-Swim Hybrid Pool Heating System, you can enjoy your pool or spa every day of the year at a fraction of the cost that comes with a traditional heating system.

The Omni-Swim includes a heat pump and solar panels that work together. The result is the most efficient pool heating system on the market.

Other benefits of having a pool heated with solar heat pumps:

  • Warm water can also relax your muscles and improve balance. Before engaging in a water therapy program, please be sure to consult with your doctor or physical therapist.
  • It drives value. You’ll be able use your pool more months during the year.
  • It’s dependable. Because today’s solar pool heating systems are made out of plastic or polypropylene, you’ll enjoy more consistent heating throughout the year.

Another reason to rely on us for your heated pool: Florida Solar is a Master Dealer for Aquatherm, which is the largest U.S. manufacturer of solar pool heating systems.

And if you need a heated pool for therapy, verified by a doctor’s written prescription, you might be eligible for a tax write off. Call us today to find out what it takes to qualify. GET A CUSTOM QUOTE

Rely on Florida Solar to heat your pool.

Contact us now at Florida Solar so that we can provide you with a long-term investment that saves money and improves your quality of life. Just a few of the benefits of working with Florida Solar:

  • Nearly 40 years of experience installing residential and commercial solar energy systems
  • We can sell, install, and service your system
  • We partner with various lenders, so you can find the financing that works for you
  • A commitment to outstanding customer service

If you have any questions about heating your pool or would like more information about our services, email us today at or call 727-300-1515. Our experts are available to discuss the savings you can expect, and your financing optionsSchedule a FREE Solar Energy Consultation Today!

Don’t Miss Out on Your Solar Tax Credit Savings

You may have thought about moving to solar energy to power your home. Perhaps you’ve seen the panels on your neighbors’ homes and thought, “I need to do that, too.” Perhaps the cost or questions about savings have kept you from making that long-term investment. If so, we have some great and urgent news.

The federal solar tax credit is a U.S. government program that allows you to write down what you owe in taxes based on a percentage of your cost for a solar photovoltaic system. In 2021, the solar tax credit is a substantial 26%. There’s no time like right now to start saving more of your money instead of giving it to your electricity provider. Make a resolution for the new year that you’re going to move to solar power.


How the credit works
The solar tax credit isn’t a gimmick. It’s a government-run program that lets you keep more of your money when you invest in solar. After your energy system has been installed, you can apply for the tax credit. You’ll receive 26% of your total project costs (including equipment, permitting fees, and installation) as a credit on your federal tax return.

If you have any questions about your particular circumstances, we recommend the U.S. Department of Energy’s “Homeowner’s Guide to the Federal Tax Credit for Solar Photovoltaics.” There, you’ll find additional information about:

  • Eligibility
  • Where you install your solar energy system
  • Answers to your tax question

Qualifying for the solar tax credit

Qualifying for the credit is easy. You’ll earn the full 26% benefit if you meet the following requirements:
● You own the single-family home that you are furnishing with solar power
● You own the solar panels purchased for your home
● The system is installed and producing electricity

Plus, there’s no maximum amount that you can claim. And you can still claim the benefit even if you’ve financed payment through the seller of your system! Florida Solar works with different home improvement lenders and can guide you to the financing option that will work for you.

Get your energy system from Florida Solar
Contact us now at Florida Solar so that we can provide you with a long-term energy investment. Just a few of the benefits of working with Florida Solar:
● Nearly 40 years of experience installing residential and commercial solar energy systems
● We can sell, install, and service your system
● We partner with various lenders, so you can find the financing that works for you
● A commitment to outstanding customer service
Don’t miss this chance to save and work with a company that knows solar power. We’ll help you understand how to claim your federal solar tax credit. The sooner you contact Florida Solar, the sooner

we can get you on the path to long-term energy savings at a big discount over what you’re paying today for your energy bill.
If you have any questions about solar power or would like more information about our services, email us today at or call 727-300-1515. Our experts are available to discuss different types of solar energy systemsthe savings you can expect, and your financing options.

Schedule a FREE Solar Energy Consultation Today!